Dealing with Injury

A little over a month ago, I hurt my back.  SWIMMING.  Honestly, I may be the only person on the planet who has managed to take a non-impact sport and turn it into a sidelining experience.  So, for the last few weeks I’ve found myself trying to walk the line between not pushing myself too hard, and simply giving over to sloth.  It turns out, I’m not very good at finding that balance.

I realize that this may sound like the worst lead-in ever to a list of suggestions for coping with injury, but if I’m honest with myself, I haven’t exactly been a model patient. So, please do as I say (and not as I do) when you read over the following strategies for taking charge of your recovery.

  • Give yourself permission to rest.  Whether you’ve been exercising for years or are just getting started in a routine, it can be hard to break away from exercise.  Some fear the loss of conditioning.  Others, particularly those new to an activity, fear the loss of momentum. Rest, however, is essential. We only get stronger when we allow our bodies to heal.  Try to look at your time away from your activity as part of a well-balanced training program, rather than defeat.
  • Analyze the injury.  Take a look at what caused the injury, and come up with a plan to prevent it in the future. Whether it was over training, a misstep, or mechanical failure, understanding the root cause can help you feel a little less helpless.
  • Seek early treatment.  Sometimes you’ll run into an injury that’s new territory for you, and it’ll be unclear what the best course is for recovery.  If you have the means, consider getting an expert opinion on the matter.  Physical therapists will tell you that it’s much easier to “undo” something when it’s tackled earlier in the injury process. With the exception of the hit to your pocketbook (no small thing, I realize), it’s unlikely to be harmful to seek out some professional help.
  • Look into alternate activities for an active recovery.  There are few injuries that require you to remain entirely at rest as you heal.  Look for another activity that keeps you moving. Swimming and aqua jogging are common adaptive activities for those with hip, knee, or ankle pains.  Recumbent bicycles can relieve strain on the back.  Weight lifting and other strengthening exercises can often be isolated to the healthy parts of your body.  Keep in mind, if you have the forethought, try out some of these BEFORE you get injured.  It’s hard enough to motivate yourself to work out when you hurt, and you don’t need the stresses of exploring a new activity added to that.  (Ironically, this is why I worked very hard this year to become competent at swimming!)
  • Have fun with it.  I’ll admit, this is more easily said than done, but there is no reason why injury needs to be a total drag. If you’re really limited in what you can do, take the time you normally set aside for exercise and apply it to other fitness-related activities. You might try to maintain your motivation by watching inspirational movies. You can work on making a few new music play lists for your workouts.  Now might be the perfect opportunity to map out a training plan.  Or, bone up on a more advanced aspect of your chosen discipline (like learning new basketball plays, figuring out your heart rate monitor, or understanding techniques for improving flexibility).

Just remember…no matter what your injury, it’s within your power to make your recovery a productive one!

And with that, I’m off to try to practice what I preach…

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